Saturday 10 September 2011


Given that it's made from a substance that previous to its discovery was thrown out in large quantities as muck on the bottom of beer vats, Vegemite is without a doubt the most profitable and successful product ever made.

That dark brown, salty, slightly bitter and malty tasty food paste that we all love on sandwiches, in soups and even just straight from the jar, has become both a national icon and a product recognized internationally as a successful, Australian-made product.

Back during World War II, advertisers promoted Vegemite as a healthy food for children and it remains the most widely-sold source for B vitamins in the world. 22.7 million jars of Vegemite are manufactured in Australia (it's impossible to keep on shelves apparently) every year - that is 235 jars per minute! It is found in 9 out of 10 pantries in Australia.

Men At Work refer to it in their song "Down Under" (a popular hit in the UK in 1982 going to number 1) and wherever there are Australians all over the world, the one thing they want is Vegemite. It has a monopoly on us, it is part of us, we are vegemite.

In my mind from both its economic prosperity from being essentially a waste product, to its sheer tastiness, it's hands down best consumer product ever. And with cute adverts to boot, it's no wonder that "We love our Vegemite, we all adore our Vegemite, it puts a rose in every cheek."




  1. "The most profitable and successful product ever made." Really? That's not even an opinion you're giving there, so I'm wondering, where did you happen across those sales statistics?


  2. Just because Vegemite is Australian made, does it really make it the best product? At the end of the day, I personally see it as any other spread sitting in my pantry.

    -Phi Do

  3. SF - Blogs are an opinion. This is purely my opinion on Vegemite. Remember that true fact 9 out of 10 pantries have it, this would make it a profitable and successful product!

    Phi Do - Vegemite for some is more than a spread, it is something that brightens their morning and a tasty snack. Vegemite as a logo/brand as it's own identity...people all over the world ask about it. I experienced this upon my travels. I even had to get my mum to send over a jar so that people could try it.


  4. Yeah sorry I was just being an ass because you didn't put "in my opinion" or "i think" at the beginning of that sentence :)

    In reality I love vegemite and have also had it shipped overseas before to satisfy my cravings, those little travel tubes are great for that.


  5. Apparently Vegemite isn't Australian owned anymore. Oh the horror!
    It's now owned by Kraft or something in the USA.
    From what I've heard, it might not even be MADE in Australia. But I'm not entirely sure on that one.
    Anyway, still a great product!

