Saturday 24 September 2011

measure device refinement

The purpose of my device is to the measure the sharpness of a knife or blade. with an additional feature of a knife sharpener combined.
the original design i had was a small hand held device where the knife would slide through a thin slider in a very similar movement to cutting your wrists. this proved to be an immediate safety problem and the idea then transformed to another hand held device inspired by a wood cutting plane. which looks more or less like a cheese grater for wood. this design invovled having the knife face up on a surface whilst the device ran along it, again this posed safety issues particularly in busy or crowded situations such as a kitchen. The already existing knife sharpeners all follow a very similar design, i tried so hard to steer clear from this and tried to develop an individual and intrinsically different product, however after much exploration it is obvious why that all look similar. my design is now headead that way, it is focused on a handle section and knife part being fairly separate to keep hands away as far as possible. as far as aesthetics go, development is still proceeding with inspiration being taken from numerous natural elements such as flowers and vines. a screen has been incorporated to cater for different levels of sharpness, for example, the touch screen has many different things to be cut on it, you simply pick which one you cutting and when you use the measure option which a green or red light will appear to determine if it is sharp enough. red = blunt, green = sharp.



  1. I really like the form you have come up with and the colour is really striking. Have you found a way of measuring the sharpness yet? Because I would suggest a system that uses lasers to give an accurate reading.

  2. How are you going with making the vine-inpsired detailing on the handle in workshop? I personally find that the product would still look equally appealing and functional without this element.

    -Phi Do
