Sunday 25 September 2011


The refinement process helped me to identify a few key issues with my blood sugar tester.
These issues, such as a lack of mechanism for seperating the device, and lack of buttons to operate the digital display have been resolved.
I felt that with the button for operating the needle, a triangular shaped button which 'pointed' upwards would make more sense to the user, seeing as the device is supposed to be easier for people in the general public to operate. I also came up with a simple solution to the 'rolling' problem which my device would have had if it were placed on any sloped surface. 
To fix this, I put some rubber strips or pieces on the back of the device to help it stick to surfaces.
Other small details such as screen size, the battery case shape, and colours have also been adjusted to better suit the device.
By exploring different button shapes and playing with the shape of the midway parabola that divides the device, I believe I have come up with a much more refined product and have vastly improved on my initial concept design. 


1 comment:

  1. nice work dael, really got the small details out. Just wondering how big its going to be? Im assuming you seperate the halves for use, ones a pricker the other the testing strips? how are you going about changing strips?

