Sunday, 25 September 2011


Hi all. soo sorry for the late post.
ok so refinement.... the refinement of my device has specifically been in the form and the human interaction. 
I have given the body a more seamless flow, i will be making the handle more slimmer to be more easily held and the hand grips to make its more comfortable. The air vents were an add on not to long ago realising i needed some air flow for the vacuum device. The dust collecting hatch, will be made from the vac forming process. I also realised i needed a source of power funny enough, and thought about the device being held in a slot, but then thought i could just have a hole that you plug a cord into. 
From this past week it occurred to me that the purpose of my device was not specific enough, i was trying to measure the general bacteria levels. Instead I should have a bench mark of how clean a surface is according to specific standards. (eg. is this bench top clean according to hospital standards or hotel standards)
Also the model is coming along slowly :)

Sooo sorry for the late post again. 
Tegan :)

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