Saturday 24 September 2011

Rocket Todd Refinement

After the last concept pin up, I refined a few more details about the form of my product. From some good feedback, I realised some features of my bottle are not suitable for toddlers. I had alot of fun making the ends really spiky and industrial, and then another spiky stand to support it standing up. It was a rocket design through and through, only spiky/pointy things do not mix well with kids - especially kids with eyes and active imaginations. So, I've cut off the spikes and made a flatter base so it could stand and would be safer for the target audience.
Secondly, the colours are not set in stone. I want to experiment with what colours would mix well with eachother by sketching it up in illustrator and dunking in random colours. Since the painting process isn't till the finished product, I'll focus on the form first and then refine colours.
I still have alot of carving out to do so I'll most likely be going into the workshop next week. In the meantime, I think I might catch up on some much needed sleep and let future Karen worry about this...
Karen Ly

1 comment:

  1. With out attached images it is hard to comment, but perhaps you don't have to rid your design of the spikes entirely, perhaps these could simply be rounded off at the ends and made out of a firm rubber? I'm sure this would provide any toddler or infant with hours of entertainment and could be something that the child could chew on during teething. Just a suggestion. Good luck with further refinement of your product.

    Ashlee Shepherd
