Saturday 17 September 2011

Water purity tester

My measurement device is a water purity tester which determines if a certain water supply is safe enough to drink by measuring the total dissolved solids. I believe this device would be very usefull if travelling overseas, camping or even testing tap water to check for corroded pipes. Usually these devices would give a measurement of 'parts per million' which can be very confusing to the user, so i am going to use two LED's to show if the water should be avoided or is ok to drink. I have thought about including more LED's so the purity of the water could be seen on a smaller increment scale, but this may cause people to take risks and drink the water when it is only marginally above the safe level. The water will be tested by flipping the lid open with a button and then scooping up a small amount of water.
I have found making foam models very helpful through the development of my device. Due to it being a hand held device the comfort is very important, the only way to improve this factor is to actually make a prototype to hold. The development of shape can be seen through my foam models which are placed with the first soft model on the left through to the latest on the right. The shape of the design has changed to improve comfort whilst also trying to style it with a mixture of sharp edges and curves. A few slight alterations are needed in the shape and buttons before i can start carving the details into the wood blocks, but it is getting very close.
Jarrod Burge

1 comment:

  1. These are some really good models. And it is clear how you have refined and improved the form. I can see how making the model was much more helpful in creating a sleek and ergonomic form compared to sketches.

