Sunday 9 October 2011

Wii controller

I'll just start by saying that I was never a fan of the Wii when it was first released, because I found the idea of actually having to move in order to control a video game against the relaxing nature of gaming. But when I got over my cynicism I was pleasantly surprised. Firstly Nintendo completely redesigned the old 64 controller into a product you no longer need three hands to operate. The new controllers have been design to be consist of two separate parts; which means that the user can choose their dominate hand to activate the more essential functions. Each individual controller also has its own speaker which allows for personal sound feedback when playing multiplayer games.  They have also removed the 'C' directional pad and replaced it with a button, that when pushed, converts the current directional pad into the 'C' pad. This is a basic idea but when space is so crucial it has the ability to change the entire feel of the device.

The controller attachments also add to the enjoyment of interaction. The designers have really enhanced the product through this aspect. For me, the ability to actually hold a tennis racquet or golf club completes the interactive gaming experience. However this system does have its flaws, as anyone who has ever played Mario Cart with the wheel will attest to. Maybe it's just me but I just prefer the control you get with the nunchuck. Overall I believe the Nintendo Wii has changed the video gaming industry through the innovative way in which consumers are able to interact with the product.  


James Meikle 


  1. PS dildo controllers are the best!!

  2. the wii controller is fine to use I guess, but it's nowhere near great. The buttons don't have the right tactility to them and the hexagonal gate that the analogue controller fits into makes it feel cheapy.

    Not to mention how all of the buttons feel like they're in the wrong place for games that want you to hold the controller sideways

    oh yeah and the whole motion thing doesn't work really, but I do like wii tennis

    Tom M

  3. I actually fully agree Tom.
    It feels and handles like a cheap hunk of plastic.
    If it were a sega instead of a nintendo and it didn't have the game titles behind it no one would buy it... well ... less people would.
