Friday 21 October 2011

Task Light: Colour Scheme

Apologies for the old image I'm showing here, there have only been a couple of minor changes, and none affecting colours.

For the vast majority of the form I'm sticking to the material's natural colour. For the frame, head unit and base unit that material is aluminium, so the colour will be that of a brushed metallic surface.

I've found a nice creamy cord to run down through the middle, so I thought I should only use one other colour to bring the cream and the metal together. What I'll refer to as 'accessories' (being the power plug, sliding knob, cord and strut connectors, twisting knobs and gear) will adopt a darkish grey (contrasting to both the cream and the metal). These minor details are dispersed about the form, creating a coherent visual pathway around the lamp. I think a dark grey for these will conform to the shades of grey produced by the gaps between the metallic panels on the base and the head unit.

I feel sticking to the basics colour-wise will suit my design.

Nicholas Avery


  1. Hey Nic I like the raw colours but just thought that a brushed aluminium finish on the base plate may reflect the light projected from above and project unwanted glare into the room?

    Ben P

  2. Hey Ben,

    Yeah you raise a good point. I think it won't be an issue due to the angles involved. The lamp head itself rests in front of the base plate, meaning it is cantilevered - having just the workspace underneath it. Also, one would angle the lamp towards the user to light the workspace anyway, so it shouldn't be an issue.

    If some light is reflected upon the base plate (and I'm sure some will), that light would reflect up and behind the lamp itself (maybe lightly lighting the wall or whatever is behind and above the lamp).

    But you're right, I think any unused light is an issue for my design, as its supposed to minimise waste. I think in this case it might be ok as long as it is a minimal amount...


