Saturday 22 October 2011

HUEge Decisions.

For my device i need to keep the colour scheme low key and consistent.

There are many considerations to be made when producing sports equipment. As my device is aimed at more elite sporting induviduals, sporting team and institution colours are extremely important and you do not want the scheme to clash with current attire or send a mixed message about whos on what team to the external viewer.

Bottom line, colour choices are going to have to be understated and subtle however posess a certain boldness that shows off the product without hindering the visual communication it posesses as a sporting aid for teams and solo players.

-Robert Schoch.


  1. Perhaps you could have small areas of the sporting equipment that are brightly coloured, and the rest of the equipment could be a duller colour like a navy blue or dark grey.
    You could produce a home and away range of colours so players would not get confused about who is on what team.
    Just an idea, good luck with it Rob!

    Matt Harding

  2. damn, HUEge decisions is a great title

    Matt I like your idea of producing home and away colours. you could have the spots of colour be separate parts of plastic (faceplates) or a similar material that come in a range of colours, so can be interchangeable.

    though rob you said it's for the sporting elite, and the faceplate idea might make it look and feel cheap

    -tom millward
