Sunday 23 October 2011


So far, a choice of colour has not come naturally.

Hence the experimentation above, which unfortunately has not succeeded in identifying a specific winner. The difficulty is in the wide range of users. Diabetics are not a specific type of person and have no unifying taste. The glucometer is also a device which is used extremely regularly and is therefore a very personal device by way of familiarity.

Hence, I would offer the glucometer in a range of colours to cater to a wide range of individuals, some wilder in colour scheme than others. However, for my final design I will be keeping the colours reasonably subdued and professional for presentation. Robbie mentioned white was a colour many associate with cleanliness and hygiene therefore I'm moving towards while, blue, red and silver as my colour scheme to express the medical nature of the product whilst the silver connects the metallic watch component to the glucometer.

Hopefully I can nail down the colour scheme in the next few days, need to get painting!


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