Sunday 23 October 2011

hannie is stupid she has to get his boyfriend to do her blog

My device measures the moisture level in almost any object. There is a retractable sensor which is located at the tip of the device that comes in contact with the particular object. As the device processes, the other rings will light up, corresponding to the amount of moisture in the object.

The colour scheme i have adapted on my device are blue and white. The majority of the device is blue in colour whilst, the outer rings depending on the moisture content will either be white or blue. The outer rings which are white in colour at first are what is utilized to determine the moisture content of a particular object. The outer rings are like the 'moisture-meter' of the device. Once the device has calculated the amount of moisture in the object, it will light up as blue depending on how moist the object is; if the object is a hundred percent moist, the entire outer rings will light up as blue. as a result, the device would look almost identical to the shape of a water drop symbolizing liquid or in this case moisture. This is shown in the above diagram.

At this stage, the white colour that i have chosen will be 'creamy' white. However, the colour blue is still undecided as i have yet to experiment the different types of blue. It is still a work in progress.=]

- Hannie Choi

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