Saturday 8 October 2011

The cows' revenge...

Ok, so who here has bought a 2L bottle of milk? Not the one or the three, but the 2L rounded oblong 'thing' that resides in your fridge. For those of you who have, I'm sure you would be able to relate to the impossible task of pouring yourself a glass of milk without having to wipe up any 'drippage' if I may use such a term.
So you go to open a new bottle; 9/10 times the the security ring comes off with the cap. Sigh. Grab youself a glass. Easy. You grab the tiny handle with three fingers (four couldn't possibly fit) and you try to aim the flow into the cup below. You may think you are aiming for your glass, only to find that the milk has founds its way down the side of the bottle and dribbling anywhere but where you are aiming. FRUSTRATING. You go to tilt the bottle further to cause what one could only describe as a MILKY WAY!! Not only have you not had your daily dietry requirement, but now you find yourself having to grab a ShamWow ;) to start wiping the bench. You soon discover that it has also gone down the side of the cupboard and before you know it you are on your hands and knees cleaning up what should have been in your glass in the first place.
Maybe one would think that I can't pour myself a glass of milk properly, but in my defence, the overall shape and handle design make a 2L bottle somewhat awkward to hold. Having the handle located on the top of bottle, makes it harder to control the effect of the weight the bottle has when pouring. The 1L bottle is fine because it is small enough to fit in ones hand, and the 3L bottle is easier because it has a much larger, proper sized handle that an average human hand can hold.
Where's the straw...
Matthew Van

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