Saturday 22 October 2011


My design, the atmosphere evaluator is a wall mounted device equipped with a remote control. Because of the remote control feature, I have designed the measuring device such that the colours and the lines of both components of my design match together. Therefore, it is easier to associate the remote control to the main unit.

Since the main function of the design is to help the user to create the best atmosphere to study, I have chosen the dominant colour to be white. White is a neutral colour and can easily be associated to wall-mounted electrical devices such as air conditioners, smoke detectors, etc. Also, I have decided to colour the patterns in either some light cool or warm grey. Those two colours do not contrast too much with white, and are very subtle. A colourful design would defeat the purpose of the device as it would most likely distract the user. I believe that the combination of white and light grey can fit in any environment, as it helps to create a calm atmosphere compared to some bright colours.

However, I intend to add a hint of colour to the design, to make it more original and less plain. I'm thinking about a different colour for the button, most probably blue or green. A coloured button will attract the user's attention when handling the remote control and make the user want to interact with the device.

Dwayne Chung

1 comment:

  1. I like the green or red! But if your are intended to add a coloured button to your device, I think it would work best with the grey ones or black. Good luck with model making dwayne ;)

    - Hannie
