Saturday 22 October 2011

colour refinement...

For my device, which is used as a tool in the study and work environment, I drew inspiration from colours that are often used or seen when studying. For this, I looked at coloured pens, pencils and textas, and of course the iconic highlighters.

For me, I have always used these colours when studying for a test or exam, and tend to colour code everything. By using these colours in my own design I would hopefully be sparking a memory or thought in the mind of the user. I am still refining the colour and material choice of my device, and am also looking at toning these colours down so my device is less dominant on the desk. 

Other colours that sparked my interest were yellows - as these are supposed to be good for memory retention, reds - for enthusiasm, purple - for creativity, or white for clarity and a blank canvas. 

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