Saturday 22 October 2011


For my bacteria Measuring device, the colour scheme i have chosen is a light grey for the main body, and with a darker grey for sections around the hatch and the handle. I needed a colour that would match/compliment the colours of the light indicators Green, Orange and Red. Originally i was thinking grey colour for the Body with another colour for the handle and hatch. But this was hard trying to find a matching colour that suited. I was seriously considering a deep blue for the handle and hatch, but then it occurred to me that it was starting to look like a rainbow. Therefore, i removed the blue and thought of the darker grey, this way it all ties together nicely, and for being on the bigger size of the models i needed to be more cautions, because anything to drastic would be disastrous. At the moment i am sorting out the different colour sections which are indicated by the photos. 

Over and out Tegan :)

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