Saturday 8 October 2011

Too many buttons on micro oven

Micro Oven

The discovery of micro oven was not intended. In World War 2 two scientists invented magnetron which produces microwave. The only reason that was invented was to search for Nazi's warplane. By accident, several years later, It was discovered microwave can also cook foods. Since that moment microwave has been used, and now it becomes one of the most popular cooking tool.

I have a Micro oven at home, MS2647GR from LG that is pretty good and working well. I literally use that every day. As an Industrial student, I don't have enough time to cook. So once I cook, I cook much of food and keep them in refrigerator and warm it up when I need it. I just loved every functions of my micro oven.

However, in terms of interactions, there are few things that make me wonder. First thing is about how many buttons it has. I not only use few of buttons but also most of users actually use only few: Start, stop, open buttons. I have never used the others, except defrost button: I rarely use it. But my microwave has 15 buttons.   

Wouldn't it be better without many of buttons and simply designed with 3 or 5 buttons. That will probably makes people well understand the micro oven. Moreover I cannot find any differences between few buttons. I can warm up food by pushing start button. However there are button for auto warm up which I have never used.

Interaction is about how to react the product from users' requires. But when there are so many choices to choose, users become confused, not become happy with choosing one of those.

Soon Myougn Suh Richard


  1. wow - i think the name of your microwave could be a little more user friendly as well!
    i agree - i only use the start, stop, reset and open buttons on my microwave - i don't even know what the others do! it might help if i read the manual, but even then i don't think i could memorise every button's use.
    microwaves used to have a dial timer and a start button, and that was it. why do we need os many buttons now? time to simplify it!


  2. I'm also in favor of simplifying the microwave. When I see all these 'extra' functions it just hurts my brain. I don't think many people care when it comes to 'defrosting poulty on medium level'. I just want hot food. most people won't even understand how to use it. I know my microwave does all the defrosting, but I don't even have any idea how to set that function up.

    I think the one minute button comes in handy though, is simple and does the job.


  3. Thanks you guys for commenting on my post. I really hate that the micro oven have many buttons.

