Saturday 8 October 2011

Why are my hands still wet?

So we've all gone to a public toilet, sometimes in a rush, done our business, then washed our hands only to notice that there's no paper towel and instead we have to use a automatic/manual hand dryer. Their promise; to dry our hands in a top speed time. Only....where's the button? How do I turn it on? Why did it only dry for 10 seconds? How far away do my hands need to be? Why is it cold air? WHY ARE MY HANDS STILL WET?

I know that I've come across many different designs for hand dryers, many of them failing to do their job unless you stand there for more than 3-4mins in which that time you could've used a paper towel and gone back to partying. Many times I have found especially with automatic dryers that I have no idea where the sensor is, so I look totally stupid trying to wave my hands around the whole dryer and it does nothing. Even though there are dryers that tell the user where the sensor is, many of the times you have to put it a certain distance away/close to the dryer in order for it to turn on.

Another thing to consider with hand dryers is the user time, most of the dryers only last for about 10-15secs before you have to re-press the button or wave your hand, which can be pretty frustrating when you have to press a wet button and get your hands wet again. 

The latest in hand dryers is the design by Dyson, which I have had the pleasure of using before. What I do like about it is that it doesn't turn off until your hands are fully out of the sensor area. But while it is much faster than all of its other competitors I can't help but feel, with any hand dryer that my hands just don't feel as dry like when I use paper towel. I don't know maybe I'm just being picky..

Mey Chiam

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