Saturday 22 October 2011

Perido - colour

Although 'Perido' may sound like 'Cheerio's' as I discovered this week in class, it appears that there may still need to be some refinement with the name and unit measure name. Aside from this, my Google search readings on colours that women seem to lean towards pinks and purples (girly colours), is false. Women also like green and blues and oranges (this increases with age). It is difficult to determine, which colour would suit best and then there is the introduction of finishes too.


Having taken on some of my light Google search readings into consideration, I feel that I am leaning towards a whiter pearlescent colour than a matte solid colour. The application of this in spray paint for my model might be an issue but I am hoping to find a paint 'mixeruppera' person who might be able to help me out with this. Hopefully this sort of colour with give 'Perido' a softer look to it, without it being too invasive or loud in colour.


Details to the bracelet could consist of a thin band of aluminium through it as a trim. Something I am still tossing a coin over about.


Attached is an attempt at showing some soft colours that I considered as a base colour and then would have a pearl finishing coat to it.

Over and out...Mote.

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