Saturday 8 October 2011

Hole In The Wall

Yep, ATM's.  Im not a fan if im honest, and I find it difficult to believe that a whole lot of thought was really put into the interface of your avereage ATM.
For starters, there all really low.  Now granted i'm quite a lot taller than most people, but when ever i walk up to an ATM i have to reach right down to use the buttons.  And once i've reached the buttons, the experience becomes none the more joyous. some ATM's don't bother to tell you witch way round the card must go, so i may well spit it back out and say try again, and then you have to navigate through the transaction with horrible buttons that often dont line up with whats being shown on the screen.  Many a time have I pressed the wrong button trying to figure out what the button is assigned to. 
My least favorite part of ATM's though is that to prevent pin code theft or the like, rather than incorporating some cover to stop people seeing your code or something along thise lines, the image on the screen suggests you cover your typing hand with your free hand.  Why?? How is this a good solution?? I personaly dont bother because to do this i must lean right down to get both hands to the level of the buttons, and it's all a bit of a fuss. 
Perhaps a little more thought should be put into this everyday interface.
Anyway, rant over.
Nathan Ide

1 comment:

  1. you see i have the opposite. i have to stand on my tipie toes to see the correct angle on most of the screens. but i hear you with the line up buttons - how hard was that to do graphic designers? honestly? and industrial designers could have come up with a better way to make the buttons nicer to touch!

    nathan for the future for this current situation, may i recommend bending down onto you knees to access the ATM, then it also will kinda look like you are praying for the machine to not eat your card and to ensure the bank has your money in you account - or kindly donated money to it :)

