Saturday 8 October 2011

Fwd: Designs by tools, for tools!

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From: Robert Schoch <>
Date: 8 October 2011 17:31
Subject: Designs by tools, for tools!

Tools designed by tools.

Disclaimer: before I begin the main point of this post I would like to acknowledge the fact that this mechanism has been revised by many companies in order to work out the bugs of the original design, however many of these original mechanisms are still being manufactured currently.

I own two multi-tools. One Leatherman (~$100) and one generic (~$10). There are notable differences in quality of the steel and general build quality in the hand etc. however there is one aspect both of these tools have in common.

The foldout tools enclosed in each handle are sunken deeply in the grip and the foldout mechanisms in both tools are extremely tight (by default). This combination of hard to reach tools and a tight mechanism boils down to the multi-tools being hard to use and the opposite of convenient. I find myself looking for another screwdriver or thin object to unfold the multi tools which at this point I believe is a flawed design. You shouldn't need another tool to access a function of a device that is supposed to be convenient and standalone.

As previously mentioned this design has been revised in many different ways that look much more user friendly however they are often priced at a premium rate and there are still hundreds of the original design floating around for sale in shops and online at this very moment.

-Robert Schoch

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