Wednesday 19 October 2011

colour me....

Due to the nature of my heat sensitive travel cup and spoon, the
product will be available in a large range of colours. The aim is to
have a bright mitch and match colours for the lid, body of the cup and
the spoon, allowing users to pick and choose as they like or even
prehaps select a few different colours for those fashion conscious,
matching maniacs. The colours will of course change in tone to lighter
and darker shades depending on the temperature of the food or drink
that the material is in contact with. The cup will also come in two
sizes, one designed more for children and students with smaller hands
and another for working adults.

Inspiration for the design was brought about largely by the everyday
use of the throw away coffee cups from cafes and later by similar
products with a silicon material, which has proven to be a highly
durable and well suited material when dealing with food safety and
higher temperatures. Decisions throughout the design process have
largely revolved around restrictions regarding materials, form and
function while still trying to maintain a good level of aesthetic
appeal. As the model is still in progress, finer detailing and
decisions have still to be made and finalised. Its never really done
is it?

Steph Tan

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