Wednesday 12 October 2011

IDE1112 Final Assessment Dates

Hi All,

Further to our informal discussions yesterday, and some negotiations on the timing of everything, here are the finalised assessment dates and times for IDE1112. It's good news for all.

Models: for all students, whether enrolled in model making or not, this is the 14th of November as per model making. For those in model making, I will assess your design as communicated in the model when you set these out in the workshop for Peter Farrer. If you are not in the model making unit, these can be submitted directly to my office on this date or before. If you're ready, you might even bring them to submission of:

The rest (Pin-up, folio, written conclusion): Due on the 8th of November, 1 week extended from the schedule. This will be a short 1.5hr session at 9am and 1pm where you can present your work and we'll wrap up the unit.

Just a reminder, there is no blog post this week. Next week is the last one, it will be on colours.

kind regards,


Dr Robbie Napper
Industrial Design
Monash University

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