Saturday, 13 August 2011

Donut FM Radio

I thought I would include this Donut radio, not only for its strange form, but also the unique method of interaction. Unlike most electronic products, there is no buttons, it is controlled by twisting the outside for tuning, and the inside for volume whilst the LED strip signals when the product is on or off. I feel Products should be able to incorporate unique control methods as long as it is intuitive for the user, such as this design.

This idea to rotate an entire section of the form instead of a particular dial is an idea I really want my radio to have.

I also included this marker tutorial for buttons that was in a sketch book. I found it really helpful when it came to rendering certain details in my sketches, to help communicate scale and how to interact with the product. It's amazing how a little bit of shadow or highlights can drastically improve a sketch.

Rohan Satyamurthy


Koos Eissen and Roselien Steur, 'Sketching: Drawing Techniques for Product Designers' , p20

1 comment:

  1. Wow! those renderings are so realistic, I actually thought that was a photograph. I could do a lot just from those examples. I might also look into that book. Thanks for sharing :)

    -Phi Do
