Saturday 20 August 2011

Bear with me

To step back for a moment. 
Out of all measurement devices by far the most interesting - in my opinion - is that of the human eye and brain.
We create numerous qualitative and quantitative estimations every minute. A predominately referenced theory on the subject suggest that we use a combination of incoming data and predisposition to make an evaluation of the situation. This is where a lot of measuring systems fall short: the rigidity of unit fails to remain applicable under the ever-moving current of circumstance. Thats not to say that because your vernier can't think for itself you will come in on monday to find your rendering block completely out of proportion, I'm simply illustrating the fact that more complex measurements will prove worthless if they lack a combination of fluid and solid foundation.

Now, a measurement that seems to never lack context is the golden ratio. I'm not going to go into detail (ill post a video at the bottom that will) but put simply the golden ratio is a tangible step towards basic laws of aesthetics and beauty. The ratio is 1:1.618 which is derived from a sequence of numbers, whereby each number in the sequence is equal to the sum of the two preceding numbers blah blah blah… divide one number by its previous and you get somewhere in the region of 1.618 (i.e. 8/5=1.6). This ratio is found in ancient to modern art and design, in nature, the aspect ratio of your tv, and even in the human body (when you get a chance measure your bones in your finger and divide one by the previous and prepare to be amazed).
A nifty little device for measuring this is actually a couple of pieces of wood simply hinged together to maintain a constant ration between the two distances created.

(I decided to put up an ascii illustration considering my photos never work)

I think the important thing for me is the ethos and the application rather than the device itself but regardless it's the closest apparition of human thought processing measurement we've created to date (apart from an EEG… and some other stuff… you get the point)

(it's really, really, really corny)



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