Saturday, 30 July 2011

The Swisscard

Out of all the Swiss army Knives, Pen Knives and Multi tools I've owned (no I'm not knife crazed, I don't keep them under my pillow, I used to be outdoors a lot and it became a hobby), my SwissCard was my favourite. It was beautiful gadget, one that I consider to be masterpiece in combining necessity with convenience. Small enough to fit in the credit card pocket in your wallet, and yet so useful that having it that hidden away was almost a pain. It holds a variety of handy tools (depending on model you choose); scissors, a knife, a pen, tweezers, several screw drivers, etc. All stored away side by side in a tidy, light weight, transparent package, safely sheathed yet not hidden from the user.

 In all reality, the design isn't that complicated, just well executed. Frankly, it would seem many designers in this field create clumsy, round-about ways of squishing different tools together into a small package. The simplicity of the SwissCard is reflected in its ease of use. I would challenge anyone to try and find the scissors on a Leatherman Wave with one hand, let alone try and use it. Or even open anything on a Gerber Flik without being fully briefed on how the contraption works - probably why Sir Edward (Bear) Grylls only uses their fixed blades.

 The SwissCard is also one of few utility knives that consider the needs of those working in a business environment; not just those working outdoors. Unfortunately, these days its considered pretty suspicious  to be carrying any sort of blade no matter how small or how truly useful they are to you -so carrying one in your pocket or on a belt has become unheard of - which is where the SwissCard really makes it mark.

 In fact, the only thing I have against the SwissCard, is that I no longer own one, but the man working at customs in Singapore does, he reckons its great!..  All grudges aside, Victorinox have done very well to have their claims on the SwissCard, It's a great bit of kit.

-Alex Beattie;jsessionid=4A8BC7E46C39F67B127508AC8AAC6728.hyb4?f=category&v=1/100/1009&m=add&

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