Saturday, 30 July 2011

Fun(ky) Chess

Although I've already posted a thread earlier about my favourite design, I couldn't help but also share to you all this amazing design as well, that I stumbled across a few years ago in a games shop.

Karim Rashid is one of the world's most prolific designers with over 3000 designs in production, specialising in many areas. Rashid has given a modern twist to the classic game we're all familiar with. 

As with many of Rashid's other designs, he has used a bright and vivacious colour scheme for his chess set design.  The vivid colours of the chess set give the design an undeniable contemporary feel and a luminescent quality is created by the translucency of the plastic material. I find its dynamic look very unique to the millions of dull black and white existing chess sets.

Even though Rashid has simplified the chess pieces to simple organic shapes, he has amazingly reattained each individual chess piece's identity, allowing the players to still be able to distinguish between different pieces.  Rashid has also designed the chess board with great consideration. Not only is the board visually stimulating with its circle pattern, it also serves great function of being able to store the chess pieces when they're not in play. I also really like how the clear board almost gives the illusion that the chess pieces are floating mid air. 


Rashid's modern approach to this chess set design will likely encourage some new players and excite existing chess enthusiasts. Who knew chess could look so funky????

-Phi Do


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